For the Love of Trains

Some people ask me, why are you into trains?

Well, why is anyone into anything really? It began many moons ago with Thomas The Tank Engine and a local heritage line. Vague memories, but precious nonetheless. There is something inexplicably special about railways. It somehow gets into the blood and I don’t think it ever really leaves you. You can be infected by the bug at a young age. Eventually you’ll grow out of it, and other interests take hold. You’ll make friends, meet a partner, maybe get married and have children.

It lurks there, steam and oil runs through the blood...

Then it comes back… You’ll maybe hit your mid 40’s or 50’s, or maybe you’ll take your family along to one of the many heritage lines throughout the country, and BAM! You’ve caught it again!

Steam engines hold a romantic vision, the sound, the smell and the polished brass of a well kept engine. Aged rolling stock with soft seats, steam heating and the smell of the locomotive wafting through the compartment will take you back to an idealised past.

Going back to the original question, there is a curiosity about the perception of rail enthusiasm. Rail enthusiasts are seen as a generally odd bunch, not quite normal and a little outside of society. There are admittedly a few characters, but on the whole we are a very diverse crowd who’ll perhaps meet at the pub, attend gigs or settle down to watch Formula 1 at the weekend. I just so happens to be that we like trains too. You know what? I wouldn’t swap it for the world.

Many may ask why, but on the other hand...why not?

You do you!

Be yourself, and if you love trains so be it. Those that sneer will soon disappear and those that care about you will stick around regardless.
