Lockdown Blogdown

Well, what strange times we are in. In the UK we are under lockdown due to COVID-19 and this has put everyone in such a strange position. this time of year would be the spring gala's for the heritage lines and its simply not happening.

I've addressed COVID-19 and its affects on the heritage rail industry in my previous post and will not dwell on it here. The likes of Youtube, Flickr, Facebook and Twitter (or whatever your poison) are seeing us through this difficult time. Online tools are fortunately helping the community to stick together and relive our former exploits.

Where does this leave the blog?

My intention is to dig into the archive of photo's and video's to write about me previous adventures. I've been a rail enthusiast pretty much since I could walk, but in the last 15 years I've picked up on it again after having been through various other hobbies. Over those years I have accumulated so many visits, photo's, video's and experiences, I can delve into my personal history and over the next few weeks I'll be bringing a more personal story to the blog. My original aim was to try and bring a more factual, pragmatic approach to writing and base it less on personal emotion and more on a reviewers perspective.

Norfolk Heroine?

The above picture was taken on the 20/03/2020 at the Wells & Walsingham Light Railway. This was the Friday before the country went into lockdown and I decided to visit the railway. No.6 is named after Edith Cavell, who was accused of treason and executed. NUmber 6 is also a registered war memorial. She is a 2-6-0+0-6-2 Garratt design and I have had the brief priviledge of driving her up to the station limits on a driver for a fiver run sometime ago. Wells & Walsingham have shut down operations until the lockdown gets lifted. They're a friendly and enthusiastic bunch and I'd recommend a visit when you get the chance to go. A full writeup on the railway will follow at a later date.

As they are shut down they currently have a gofundme page running to help bridge the funding gap, as currently the guys are unable to run and are losing out on revenue that goes directly back into running the railway. If you can spare some change and want to donate please take a look at their page.


